Thursday, February 28, 2019

What's in the news this week...

What's in the news this week

Looks beautiful right. It is Huka Falls Located near Lake Taupo And Wairakei. $64 Dollars to stay a night. Why is this in the news?
Related image
Because Wairakei Geothermal Operations, when they were working, they accidently made a slip in a dam and look what happened...
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So tourists are paying quite a lot of money to come and see THAT MUDDY RIVER!! What a scam...


  1. Second post in a day.. Wow.
    Hope you have a good day!!

  2. Hi Geordie, I am sure this would have been very disappointing for tourists visiting this popular attraction. How long was it like this for? Have you ever visited the Huka Falls before? I have been to Taupo but never had time to visit the falls. I would like to go there one day however. Keep up the great posts. Mrs P

  3. Thanks Mrs P, I haven't been to Huka falls, but I Have been to taupo. I hope it is now fixed, but I really don't know.
    Blog ya later

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello, My name Luke at Grey Main School. I like the layout of this post. This blog post makes me feel mad that this popular tourist place was treated badly. Why did you pick to do this activity and put in on your blog???

  6. Hi its simon in from T3 and i really like your blog post i can tell that you put alot of work into this and i would like to visit huka falls one day.I would agree with you that is a scam for tourists tourists paying that much money no way that's crazy if i was a tourist and payed that much money for that i would be angry and sad.

  7. Hi I’m from glen taylor this post is so interesting to me because what it looks like now and then later.
    I think it’s on the news because of how amazing it looks and then it looks the other day.

  8. Thanks for the reply Luke, I chose this activity because It was on seven sharp, And when I came to school I did a blog post on it. (I did some research at school though.)I would shut down the place while they fixed it, and then re - open it.
    Haere Ra

  9. Hi Simon, Geordie here. If I were a tourist I would leave a biggggggg Complaint. Huka falls would be nice to visit (When it is fixed).
    Haere Ra

  10. Thanks for the reply Kohine, It was Intrigued when I was reading the story. I agree with you on why it is in the news, It is a big change in the colour.
    Haere Ra


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