Friday, August 30, 2019

72,843 (News)

Did you know that the Amazon rain forest is on fire? You probably know, but it hasn't been in the news very much. Already this year, there have been 72,843 fires recorded. The worst bit about it is that the isolated tribes, that live in the heart of the amazon, might die!! All of the tribes will have to escape from the flame, and run to safety through all of the fire, and hot spots. That would not be easy. All of the smoke would make it so hard to see, let alone run. I think that everyone should donate a bit of money so that the "Earths Lungs" Can live to breathe another day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


This week, we have been working on different types of maths. I have been doing tessellation. I did a google drawing on tessellation to show what it means, and then did some tessellation art on paper. Here is the drawing.

As you know from the start, I did some art. I made a shape using squiggly lines, and traced around it. The final result shocked me, because I don't think I am good at art. You don't need to be amazing at art to do tessellation!!
Here is the of the final product.
I hope you like my tessellation as much as I do, and that you try to do it as well!!