Thursday, March 14, 2019

What's been in the news this week...

What's Been in the news this week?
This week, Auckland students are going on strike to help raise awareness for Global warming. Not only that, But some teachers are supporting it! Others are going to count it as truancy.
Then they sent an open letter to Jacinda Ardern which has received over 1000 signatures.

What is your Opinion, Do you think striking for a good cause is acceptable? Would you count it as truancy?

Image result for Students on strike for global warmingImage result for Students on strike for global warming


  1. This is a thought provoking post Geordie.

    I do believe that climate change is a very real issue for everyone right now and we need to act. Striking can be one way of getting public attention for important issues although there are many other alternative options they could have also considered such as public petitions.

    I would not count this as truancy though because I think it is important that young people think about global issues and form their own opinions. It is good to see them making a stand in a peaceful way.

  2. Thanks for the reply, It also got me thinking. They are striking for a good cause, but education is also important. I wouldn't count it as truancy, but that doesn't make it right.
    Haere ra


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